Moverse por la ciudad es un juego entre la libertad de movimiento y la monitorización de vigilancia que existe en cualquier esquina de nuestra ciudad o en las pantallas de nuestros móviles. Conduit, el último disco del cantante, productor, multiinstrumentista y dj londinense Coby Sey habla de esta realidad mezclando estilos musicales que van del hip-hop al jazz, del noise al grimme, del spoken word a un estado de mutación dub. Voz, bajo y piano para una experiencia sobre como vivimos en la ciudad. Una experiencia única para abrir los oídos y dejarte llevar.

Moving around the city is a game between the freedom of movement, and the surveillance monitoring that exists in every corner of our city- we swipe with a credit card, touch a screen, tap into places close and far on the screens of our cell phones. Conduit, the latest album by London singer, producer, multi-instrumentalist and dj Coby Sey responds to this reality of the city (be it big London or our smaller Cordoba) mapping new routes while mixing musical styles ranging from hip-hop to jazz, noise to grimme, spoken word to dub mutation. Voice, bass and piano for an experience with life in the city. A unique experience to open your ears, minds and critical senses.


Coby Sey is a songwriter, producer, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and DJ, who, after years spent buzzing around the DIY artist circuitry of South East London, has developed a distinctive presence as an artist and performer.

Coby’s recorded work spans the realms of live instrumentation, sample-based productions and experimental music, melding recognisable motifs of hip-hop, noise, jazz and grime into a dubbed-out anaesthesia.

On stage, the dreamlike compositions are imbued with a heavy, uneasy dancefloor energy, and fleshed out by live instrumentation courtesy of his revolving band of close South East London cohorts including Alpha Maid, Ben Vince, Charlie Hope, CJ Calderwood and Momoko “MettaShiba” Gill.

Coby’s open-door approach to sharing and making music is evident in his long-term collaborations with Mica Levi and Tirzah, as well as with Speakers Corner Quartet, Klein, TYSON, Laurel Halo and more. He is also a founding member of London’s CURL collective (with Mica and Brother May), and hosts a monthly radio show on NTS since 2015, offering a peek into his appealingly murky musical world.

Coby’s long awaited debut album ‘Conduit’ was released in September 2022 through AD 93.